The Food Paradise

The Food Paradise; Reflection Essay

The story of The Food Paradise by Ibn Majid. Reading this literature gives you a religious, and magical vibes which got me interested to dig more deeper about this literature. The short story started with the man who taught religious beliefs to his Muslim students however the work is thankless and ill-paid so he questioned himself. Why would a man like him suffer like this? Which made him quit and his journey started. This blog will share some information regarding of the story. This will also include my reflection, opinions, and some of my experience that can be related unto the story. 


                 Mullah Ibrahim the main character of the story, left the seminary and walked out of the City of Baghdad where had lived for many years. He believed that Allah will not let everyone starve so he quit his job and waited consecutive days in riverbank for his Allah’s miracle. In the story pasha was mentioned which according to an article Britannica, pasha means title of a man of high rank or office in the Ottoman Empire. Ibrahim thought that a pasha might sail down onto the riverbank and feed him some food which I can relate to because this is literally me expecting for something without doing anything. There was this scene in the story where Ibrahim woke up after sleeping he found a seemed pack of leaves with food inside which is halwa. Base from a website I had read, Halwa is a famous dessert originating from Middle-East. The ambrosial food looks tasty basing on how the author described the food. 

Another scene that were still stuck in my mind when Ibrahim started to wonder where to food came from so he started to traced the spot and found out the responsible of feeding him with a delicious food was a lady who has been stuck in castle that was casted with a dark spell. This was my favorite part of the story because of the story connection for both characters. Most of the fictional stories there will always be that one guy who will save the girl from any danger, that was the case between the two Ibrahim saved the Princess. “Curses on the day in which I first threw the halwa, as you call it into the river. It is my custom to take a bath of milk, rub my limbs with the essence of almonds, sugar, and sweets which I remove from my nakedness and wrap them with leaves before throwing into the river.” That line from the princess that wrapped up the story with Ibrahim realizing Allah surely gives food to everyone; but its quality and kind are dictated to by what man 
To sum up the conclusion of this story let’s be contented of what God will give us. No matter how big and small it is, we should learn to be thankful of what we have. Everything god has give us has a reason and it will always be a good one. 


  • Geluz, Tiffany 2019. The Food Paradise Presentation,


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